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                ​Some of the student here in QNHS are happy with now because the all laughing because of the many experiences here in QNHS and some of the student says that High School Life is the most memorable to them.

                           In grade 7 life is the most easiest experiences in they lives because of just a little bit of projects and assignments and the easiest finding of crushes and also the freshness of their brain.

                           In grade 8 some of the student experiences the coolness of their High School Life. The most unpredictable happening and the experiences of a having a relationships also the mind fullness of the student.

                           In grade 9 is the most stress and depress of some student because of a having a lot of projects and assignments and some student is happy because of having a grade 9 ball and the more addicted with their bf an gf.

                           In grade 10 is the most having a struggles experiences because of a having a lot of projects and another activities in their subject and grade 10 experience having a mini thesis and they experiences like they look like haggardness of their life.

                             And thy experiences having a ball or grade 10 ball They reactions are happiness and sadness because many memorable experiences that they will left So high school life experience is the most memorable experience to them and high school life is more fun.

                          There would come a time where you would regret doing this such things, what if, you’ve been trap in a circumstance? What if, for instance you have your oh-so attractive classmate, not to mention his/her breathtaking eyes, extensive alluring lashes and irresistible beam, then he/she would ask you if you would let him/her copy you research work, then of course, above all those magnificent descriptions, would you have the courage to say no? Of course not, then this unanticipated recitation came, then your ‘Lovie’ was asked about the research, yes, to your knowledge, he/she doesn’t determine the answer then seek you for it, what now?

                                                                                              credits:Radha Nicodemus

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